Carol's Homeschool Blog

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Days 33-38 (October 22 - 27)

Time flies when one is having fun. I haven't written for days.

We read through The Sign of the Beaver by listening to it on tape. We also watched a dramatization with Keith Carradine and Annette O'Toole. It wasn't bad!

We read about Freedom of the Press and Zenger.

Both kids are doing multiplication in math.

Monday, we went to a corn maze and pumpkin farm. It took us about 45 minutes to get through.

James and Acts study continues to be great for me. I enjoy the women, and I hope they are enjoying me! Crime and Punishment is also coming along. I am reading a section a day so I will be done by the end of October. Nikki and I also finished discussing Madame Bovary.

We are on Episode 8 of Anna Karenina. I also watched my last AFI/Oscar movie on Monday. It was lovely to finish this up, and I learned a great amount about the social history of our country.

I am off!

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Tuesday -Thursday (32-34)

We had a whirlwind week this week, but I think we are finally adjusting to our new schedule.

The exciting thing is we finished The Witch at Blackbird Pond, and we all gave it a "10!"

We also learned about Peter the Great and scientific farming in history.

We started John 4. We prayed for Muslims.

We are finishing up time and money for both Michael and Paul. We start multiplication for both of them next week.

The boys are progressing in swimming and are still enjoying Spanish.

The "Band of Brothers" on Wednesday night was a big hit. They made Sculpey Clay art and talked about what we need to listen to in the world.

I have gotten very little Crime and Punishment read, but I will read this weekend. We will also start our 10 hour Anna Karenina fest tomorrow night! I also got my LAST movie in the AFI/Oscar List. I will be done exactly one year from when I started. YIPPEE!

James Life Group was precious. I taught them how do do interpretation through Word Studies. Karen is so hungry to grow and learn. It is exciting to see Lisa help teach her. I still need to finish my Acts Word Studies. TTFN!

Monday, October 18, 2004

Days 27- 31

Last week is a blur! I haven't posted.

We finished and watched John 3 and read up to the Golden Calf in our bible reading
We watched a summary of all that we have learned about the colonies in the Colonial Life for Kids called "Settling the New World."
We finished Om-Kas-Toe and we are on Chapter Thirteen of The Witch at Blackbird Pond.
We read a book called William Penn of Pennsylvania.
The Paul is on his sixth book for October. Michael is on his fifth.
Dad is reading various fun books to them at night.
We continue in Spelling, Grammar, and Writing.
We continue in time and money problems in math.

Today, we have been doing a variety of experiments in electricity and "Newton's Wizard." As I type the kids are going to balance a clown.

Swimming and Spanish continue to be a fun activity for the boys!

We had planned on going to E.E. Wilson Wildlife Refuge, but there was a cougar sighting. So, we decided to stay home. Now, the weather is bad. We can't go to the refuge, and we also can't complete our solar electricity experiments until the sun comes back. At this point, it is supposed to rain for the whole week. Oh well, such is life in Oregon!

Self-Education Note: I finished Uncle Tom's Cabin and started Crime and Punishment. I also finished my discussion of Moby Dick with Nikki and got alot out of the exercise. I will meet with my Oprah Book Club for discussion of The Good Earth today.

I am also thoroughly enjoying this Precept study in James. I think I still have much to learn from Kay Arthur. I like the Acts study, but it doesn't have the depth of insight that comes from a mentoring from Kay Arthur. I listened to her video as I clean the downstairs this morning, and I thoroughly enjoyed her teaching (although her outfits are so outrageous!).

Also, I had the Acts study here for watching the Visual Bible DVD of Acts. We also had the Stewarts over for lunch on Sunday.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Physics Fun! (Day 26)

The boys couldn't wait to tear into their new Science Kits that I bought from the Borders Teacher Appreciation Weekend 25 off sale!

We learned about potential energy and kenetic energy and chemical energy and electric and light and heat energy from the Energy Wiz science. We hooked up a battery and made a circuit that made a motor turn a fan and sound a buzzer. We tried to burn a hole in a card using solar energy through a magnifying glass, but I didn't have the patience to wait! We made a flywheel out of a bike and two motors that made a fan go around and sound the buzzer. We did more, and we did it for two hours!

After this, we read three chapters of Om-Kas-Toe and went straight to spelling, grammar, and cursive writing practice.

In the afternoon, we did about 1-1 1/2 hours of math (Paul was longer). Michael finished up the Place Value chapter and Paul finished up the addition and subtraction chapter. We will be ready to start a chapter on time and money tomorrow. I wanted to coincide it with them learning to tell the time in Spanish on Wednesday.

In addition, we were able to do two five minute "room rescues" of the hot spots in our basement. We cleaned up the stray toys under the stairs and the things in the "butler box."

I was able to dust the family room and guest room this morning while I listened to a Worship DVD. I also did a "27 fling boogie" in the master bathroom and found things that I didn't know that I was still keeping around!

So, I am off to do a little policing of of my "hot spots" in the office. TTFN!

Now, they are outside playing in the

Friday, October 08, 2004

Tuesday - Friday (22-25)

Life has been busy. It was nice to have no field trip this week to concentrate on what we need to do.

In Bible, we moved along with Moses and John 3 and praying for the BlackFeet since we are reading Om-Kas-Toe. I am reading Om-Kas-Toe before we pray. It helps them identify with them.

History has been reading our historical fiction books since we have to have them back at the library on the 15th. I have a map with Om-Kas-Toe, and we are tracking landmarks on the State of Montana map. We are also doing this on the State of Connecticut map while we read The Witch at Blackbird Pond. I think my kids like Om-Kas-Toe better because a boy is the main character.

Science was put on hold so we can read the historical fiction. This is OK since I have about 100 pages to cover of text in one year, and I will probably do a big science emphasis at the beginning of December when we take a history break. We should be getting a flourescent blub soon. Then, I can do that experiment. I am hoping to pick up a fun science kit on physics at Borders for the 25% off sale tomorrow. The boys did science on their own too. We are considering taking an OMSI Saturday school class on November 6th with Christopher Kinkade. Christopher will go all day, but I think we will just go for the "Jolts, Volts, and Wires" class from 11:20 - 12:20 and to the "React-O-Blast" at 3:30-4:30. I saw a fun class at WOSC for Volcanoes, that I might have them do. Science is on-track, and I don't usually worry about this since they do it all on their own.

For writing, Michael finished up Rascal, week two. We concentrated on cursive writing at Paul's request. I think this is fine. They need just a book for a bit.

We did three pages of grammar and they both took spelling tests and did great.

Reading was the biggest encouragement. Paul initiated finding books to read at the library! He even picked up a Hank the Cowdog book. He read four books on Friday! He wanted to keep reading. He even read during lunch! What has happened! He has five books toward his BOOK IT goal of ten books, and Michael will finish his fourth book tonight when he accomplishes his goal of reading through the whole Ramona series! We all had a "SSR - Sustained Silent Reading" time where I read Uncle Tom's Cabin, Paul read two Baerenstein Bear books, and Michael read Hank . We all sat on the couches in the living room and read without talking. I thought it was great that PAUL initiated this. Hallelujah!

Speaking of Hallelujah, during Bible Study, I had the boys do cursive practice downstairs while they listened to Hallelujah Handel. I give such high marks to these Classical Kids Collection CD's. I am so glad that the library has all of them. If they didn't, I would certainly consider buying them! We also read Mike Vanezia books on Bach and Handel this week. We did it as a "buddy read," and they both got a book on their list for the effort. I also played selections from Bach and Handel from our Listen album. In addition, I played "The Messiah" off one of our Christmas CD's and "Brandenburg Concertos we have owned for years.

We only read a couple of pages of art the rest of the week. We are finally caught up to our historical time period. So, I will not be doing this everyday. I still want to do sample works from Rembrandt and Ruebens in the next week or so.

Michael scored 83% on a chapter review of place value, and he did it all on his own! I was able to complete math before swimming on Tuesday and Thursday, but I couldn't get to math on Wednesday after bible study, Spanish, and Dial-A-Book, and the library. We are going to try picking up our books on Wednesdays, delivering just Judy Romanz on Wednesday and the rest on Thursday. We will return them on Thursday and go to the library after this and before we go to swimming this should work better at getting math done on Wednesdays after Spanish.

Spanish went well. George took them, and they are still enthusiastic about being in this class. He sounds like a great teacher and George is learning along with them.

Swimming also went well. They are in a lower level then many boys younger than them, but they have not had that many formal lessons. Their teacher seems to really care (unlike the last guy that they had four years ago). I am excited about this.

Dial-a-Book went well. Maybelle is in a coma. We have a new elderly lady to deliver to now.

We also cemented our theatre schedule for the year. Drumroll . . .

Fantastic Mr. Fox (Corvallis)

(MAYBE BFG if you are really interested, but it is Portland)
Bunnicula (Salem)
Puss in Boots (LBCC)

Treasure Island (Corvallis)
From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (Salem)

We hope to go with the Kinkades and the Alexanders and maybe the Kings and Cowdens too!

Also, George started a boys discipleship group in Proverbs. They met on Wednesday and baked cookies and talked about what they would like to do. It was John Pearson, Pearce Alexander, and our boys. Isaac will come too, but he was sick.

On a personal note, I loved my time in bible study with the James and Acts women. I also love Uncle Tom's Cabin and I am halfway through. I have been eating too much lately, but I was able to exercise three times this week. I feel very full lately. So, I need to reign in my eating!

One more thing, Geo and I went on a "date" to the CV Volleyball Games. It was fun to visit with all these sports families. Spencer made it in the play, "You Can't Take it With You" at CV!

Reading We started our Pizza Hut BOOKIT. They each have a goal of ten books this month.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Monday, Monday: Day 21

I found myself getting excited yesterday knowing that it was Sunday, and we were going to start schooling the next morning.

I got up early and spent about 40 minutes praying in bed. Then, I got carried away studying Acts for a couple of hours. I am so glad I am studying this too. It is now 8:15 a.m., and I heard a bit of stirring. I will just add on to this as the day goes by.

Finished Winter Wheat by Mildred Walker yesterday and continued back reading Uncle Tom's Cabin as my primary focus. I just wanted to get the Oprah and Book Babes books out of the way so as not to compete with anyone at the library. I am a month ahead now. So, I am back to TWEM books. Loving my reading these days. It is so rich and fulfilling to read!

We are starting at 9:05 a.m.

Finished Mr. Bach Comes to Call and listened to Brandenburg Concertos. I think Bach is a favorite composer for me.

Moses in a basket, John 3 storyboards, and writing John 3:16 on a 3x5 card.

Began prayer for Coctaw in the Southeastern United States .

Learned about Dutch landscapes in the 1600's and the camera obscura.

Read about Newton and Locke, recalled the 13 colonies and brief history, and did US puzzle (Paul). Read-Aloud was two chapters of The Witch at Blackbird Pond about a girl who comes to the Puritan settlement of Weathersfield, Connecticut in 1687 from Barbados. It will take ten days and Om Kas Toe will also be due by then. May have two RA's a day!

Read about gravity (since we just studied Newton). We also read about forces. They know much of this because of the Bill Nye videos.

Paul - Chapter 2; Michael -Chapter 3. Paul wants another spelling book. :)

Day 100 of Daily Grams

Verse cards, but Michael will finish up Week two of Rascal copywork

We have nowhere to go this afternoon. YEAH! Michael - Place Value; Paul - Addition

We started our Pizza Hut BOOKIT. They each have a goal of ten books this month.

Friday, October 01, 2004

Days 17-20 of the 8th Year of our Adventure!

I can't believe it has been so long since I journaled about our homeschooling!

Well, I finished The Salt Garden. I started at 8 and read until 12. Then, I read it from 2:30 to 4:00 on Tuesday.

Michael still continued to feel sick throughout the week, but we managed to do lots of couch time.

We finished studying John 2! Then, we watched it on DVD. This is such a fun way to study.

We are through the story of Joseph and prayed for the Natchez Indians that were in the St. Louis area.

In history, we continued to be ultra-impressed with the Colonial Life for Children video series. We learned about William Penn and Pennysylvania and The Dutch and New Amsterdam.

We also read about The Sun King of France, Frederick the Great of Prussia, King Philip's (Chief Metacom) War, The French against the Indians in Quebec, and William Penn in The Story of the World/Usborne Encyclopedia of World History. We also read a biography of William Penn in Our American Heritage from Abeka.

For art, we finally caught up to our time period! We are officiallly in the Baroque period in ITA. I realize that there are some pictures in the book that are nudes that I didn't want the kids to see. So, I did skip a couple of pictures.

For music, we are in the Baroque period. So, we listened to Mr. Bach Comes to Call on tape. We haven't quite finished it.

For science, we did another experiment in static electricity by moving small pieces of foil by rubbing a comb with our hair.

For math, Paul started front-end estimation and column addition while Michael started place value.

We wrote our "Flat Freddie" letters that were sent to the Parkers in Louisiana and the Krauses in Wisconsin. Should be fun to find out about their states.

Paul finished up his Rascal copywork. Michael is still working on it since he didn't feel too well all week.

They started their Spanish class on Wednesday and plan on learning their numbers through twenty and colors.

George took them to Spanish and I had the women from my Wednesday bible study over for lentil soup and challah bread. After they left, I brought a loaf to the Hundleys and rode my bike to Laura Gannon's to return her book. We chatted about a half hour about a variety of things. I like her.

Friday was a fun field trip to Philip Foster Farms

The boys and the Kinkades ground corn, chopped, sawed, and planed wood, loaded a wagon (and made it across alive), washed on a washboard, wrung in a hand cranked wringer, built a log cabin, watched a blacksmith, went to a trading post, etc. It is a 1846 Oregon homestead. It was a fun and long day. I am bushed!

These were my other activities of the week:

After homeschool on Thursday, I took Kim out for her 34th birthday to tea. I also visited and ate dinner with Teala who just had a root canal. Then I was off to Acts bible study.

Tonight is a CRASH night and we don't have any outside activities tommorrow.

A great week!