Carol's Homeschool Blog

Monday, September 13, 2004

Monday, Monday: September 13

We started at 11:00 a.m. today due to a very BUSY Sunday. We went to a party at the Howards for the Rohrers being in town. Then, Melinda's got a call that her dad died. So, we all went to prayer. So, we were there later than we thought. Then, we went the Welcome Night at church for the new college pastor, Tom Ramsay. Then, we finished watching Emma.

So, the kids slept in, and I went and made phone calls for my new bible study starting on Wednesday.

We did a simple science experiment demonstrating static electricity by rubbing a comb in your hair and seeing how it moves a strip of cut tissue paper. The kids drew and wrote with exuberant spirits about it. So nice to see the writing!

We watched two Brainpop movies on nuclear energy and electricity. We used the activity sheet from the one on electricity and added it to our science notebooks.

We also read the page in our Science Encyclopedia about heat transfer.

We had a great Bible study time, and I taught the kids about finding and marking key words in John 1. Jesus is the word and light. They did it so cheerfully. When I mentioned that we were also going to watched the movie of the gospel of John, Michael became very concerned because it is PG-13. He had read the back of the DVD that I had borrowed from Kim and was concerned it might be too violent. Paul tried to assure him, but he was very resistant.

We also prayed for the Delaware Indians and read about Cain and Abel, and Paul was so excited because this was their Sunday School lesson yesterday! We also read about the Flood.

For History, we read about Charles I and his persecution of the Puritans and rejection of Parliment which led to the Civil War which led to him being beheaded and Oliver Cromwell becoming Protectorate and being just as bad as a king by persecuting the Catholics! Power corrupts. We learned about Cavaliers and Roundheads. There wasn't any follow up writing or timeline work due to the time taken for the experiment.

We did some more spelling and grammar, both of which are going on without a hitch in our household! I explained articles and comparative adverbs to Paul and Michael, respectively. The writing was the follow-up of the science experiment. Precept upon precept, line upon line, here a little, there a little: they are learning!

Paul read Dr. Seuess and Michael read If I Ran the Zoo.

This all took about three hours. We will do math a bit later. I am tired!


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